It’s been a while since I have mentioned anything I’m making on here, so here is a whirlwind tour of 2019 for me so far!
Stashbusting Season! My makes so far this year

I’m pleased (or should I say relieved??) to report that I have started making a dink in my hoard of fabric. I have pledged a couple of years now to resolve my fabric storage issue, but moving to a new flat last year made this issue far worse.
A my partner’s suggestion, I worked through my fabric hoard and matched fabric to patterns I really want to make. It has resulted in a very long list which means I should be finishing a garment once a fortnight…! I was doing well until I began learning about pattern cutting (see further down)…
Even if I manage to accomplish a garment a fortnight, there’s still a lot of fabric, but it is progress.
I had a custom Etsy order recently for some fruit socks. Most of my orders are items I have already made, but as this was a request, I popped my other knitting on hold and whizzed up a few! (I say whizzed… I plodded along while re-watching Sewing Bee!)
Expect to see some more pattern reviews and makes featured here soon!
Projects in Progress

I did have two key projects on the go – a knitted cardigan and the Joni Dress (from Tilly and the Buttons Stretch! book), but since learning some pattern cutting basics, I have added a simple A-line skirt into the midst..!

The 100 Day Project

The 100 Day Project is underway and considering mine is #100daysofdevelopingcontent I feel a bit behind… however, I am pleased to have this post up as well as the vlog linked at the bottom and my mind is brimming with content ideas – I just need to action them!
Pattern Cutting
Learning pattern cutting has been a dream of mine for a couple of years now. This year, I actually wrote down this dream on paper and the opportunity to learn actually arose locally!
Originally, I signed up to a local college for an evening class, but it got cancelled. I was very disappointed. However, the opportunity then arose in my own town and the experience was absolutely amazing. I am now at the stage where the workshops have finished, I have drawn out my basic blocks for bodice, skirt and sleeve, and I’m nervously practising at home.
i am beginning with an A line skirt as I figure that this will be something fairly simple to pattern cut, fit and turn into a finished garment!
Fit is actually one feature I did not expect to learn about in the workshops, but it has been truly enlightening and is making me rethink my dressmaking process!

Other projects in the pipeline!

Besides getting completely absorbed in the process of pattern cutting and fitting garments better, I have a couple of projects coming up.
The first is refashioning a pouffe my mum found in a charity shop. It’s a lovely sweet size and will be a lovely addition to the lounge as soon as I draw the courage to put my idea into action.
The other project, which has technically begun but I will be focusing on further in the coming months, is a sewing app idea I have. I am working with the hosts of this website, Phoenix Tech Solutions, to make this dream a reality. They are looking into the practicalities of producing the features I wish to see in the app, while I get to do the fun stuff of making the buttons, icons and any other imagery – perfect!
Phoenix Tech are doing #100daysofappdevelopment if you want to see how they are getting on.
Watch it on the Vlog
You can find the related video from my vlog below, which has a bit more detail on the projects listed here: