Sew a Wheat Warmer

I had some lovely leftover fleece from making one of my niece’s a leopard print cape last Christmas, so I decided to use it to make some lavender wheat warmers for myself and others.

I find wheat warmers are really useful when you feel a bit sore or stiff and I had been using a very old shop bought one for years to manage my chronic health symptoms before getting round to making this one.

Once you have made it, all you need to do is pop it in the microwave for up to 120 seconds if less than 800 Watt, or up to 100 seconds if your microwave is 800-1000 Watt.  It can help to put a small mug filled with water in the microwave at the same time to provide a bit of moisture (just in the microwave with it, not poured over it!)

What you need

What you need:

45 x 29 cm (18 x 11.5 inches) fabric – I used fleece

750g of dried wheat

2 tablespoons of dried lavender

In addition to the usual sewing items, you will need a funnel or something similar to fill the warmer with wheat (I used the cardboard in the middle of a finished toilet roll) as well as a bowl and scales to mix the dry ingredients.

Diagram of a rectangular piece of fabric folded in half lengthwise

1. Fold and pin the fabric

Fold your fabric in half lengthways, right sides together, so that the long ends meet.

Pin or peg along the raw edges.

Diagram of a rectangular piece of fabric folded lengthwise with a highlighted stitch path indicated in red and a marker to highlight a gap in the stitching

2. Sew together the sides and ends of the wheat warmer

With a 1cm (1/2 inch) seam allowance, stitch around the three open sides, leaving a gap at one of the short ends for turning right side out/ stuffing.

Diagram of a rectangular stitched piece of fabric with the corner seam allowances trimmed

3. Trim and turn right sides out

Trim the corners slightly and turn right side out.

Diagram showing a marked line in the middle of the fabric with a gap of 7.5cm at either end

4. Mark a line in the middle of the wheat warmer

With a few pins, mark a line in the middle of the wheat warmer which is parallel to the long sides of the warmer.

You may find it easier to then tack the line in place, especially when using a bulky fabric like fleece.

Diagram of a stitched rectangle of fabric with a stitched line down the middle lengthwise

5. Stitch centre line

Stitch along the marked line, starting and ending about 7.5cm (3 inches) from the short ends of the warmer.

A bowl with a mix of wheat and lavender, as well as a tablespoon

6. Prepare the filling

Mix around 750g of wheat with 2 tablespoons of dried lavender in a bowl.

Image of the wheat and lavender mix being funnelled into the inside of the wheat bag

7. Fill the wheat warmer

Using a funnel and spoon, gradually fill the warmer with the mix.

Image showing the opening of the wheat warmer being sewn shut with slip-stitch

8. Sew up the opening

Slip stitch the opening closed.


  • Vary the size and shape depending on how you wish to use the warmer – you may wish to make it circular or thinner – just remember to scale the amount of dry ingredients!
  • These instructions include adding a line of stitching in the middle of the length of the warmer, but you could leave this step out. Alternatively, you could add another line or two of stitching or stitch lines the other way (though you would need to think about leaving one long end open to fill the warmer).  The lines of stitching within the warmer may help you apply the warmer depending on how you would like to use it.  Again, you may need to adjust the amount of filling you require.

Watch it on the Vlog

I’ve linked my video for this tutorial below:

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