Pattern Review: The Molly Dress
May ended up being quite a productive month for me craft-wise, and I’m pleased to say I’ve been able to tick off some of my #2018makenine list!
#the100dayproject – #100daysofstashbusting
The hundred day project begins on Tuesday 3 April!
My chosen project is to spend 100 days stashbusting.
100 Day Stash Attack
I’m definitely one to hoard fabrics and then deliberate endlessly on what the best project will be for every piece.
Welcome to the Clobber Creations YouTube Channel!
Many people find it hard to listen to themselves on a recording and I definitely fit into that category! Unfortunately, I was never any good at acting at school, and even when I worked in a call centre, my supervisor used to mark my calls down for being flat! It used to be awful listening back to calls with customers, but at least there were no graphics to accompany the awkward voice.
Youtube is a different matter! While I’m intrigued by the background elements – setting up the microphone, lighting, focusing the camera… I try to avoid talking or appearing on it. However, I’ve reached a point where a few busy projects have come to an end and my partner is nudging me in the direction of video.
Reversible loop scarf
One of my goals is to use up my stash for smaller items and gifts before purchase more fabric. For a friend’s Christmas gift, I followed this aim and found some fabrics to use.
Following a guide from Love Sewing Magazine (issue 01), I cut 4 rectangles of cotton fabric, two in each fabric choice, and then stitched them together to create a loop scarf.
One issue with using the stash is finding two fabrics which work well together. Although the purpose of the scarf is to have the option of two different looks, I didn’t want the fabric choices to clash too badly if you could see them both.
This was a nice simple pattern to follow and I am quite surprised at how warm a scarf made from dress cotton fabric can be!